The following items are prohibited or restricted from WantAd adverts and offers:

Sexually oriented adult material is meant for people who are 18 years and older. Materials adult in nature are not permitted on WantAd, as they breach laws in the United Kingdom and many other countries. Some items, though legal to sell to adults outside of WantAd, are still restricted on the site.

You can find the limited exceptions to the policy below. The guidelines explain what you can advertise and what you can't. Additionally, you need to follow any applicable laws or postal restrictions for adult material and adhere to the laws of the countries who may be posting items to the UK.

Make sure your advertisement follow our guidelines. If it doesn't, it may be removed, and your advertising privileges could be restricted.
Sexual Wellness category.

Only permitted business sellers can provide certain bondage items, sex toys, and sex accessories in the following categories:
•    Health & Beauty > Health Care > Sexual Wellness > Fantasy, Fetish & Accesories
•    Health & Beauty > Health Care > Sexual Wellness > Sex Toys.

Adverts for items in these categories must meet the following advertising requirements:
•    Adverts must not contain images of nudity. 
•    Adverts must not use language in violation of our profanity policy.
•    Adverts for used clothing that contain inappropriate descriptions will be ended.
•    Adverts must not mention the word 'fetish'.

We won't determine if an item constitutes art, but we'll review the content of the advertising description, images and categories to determine if an item should be removed.
•    Frontal nudity is allowed in Art categories when the item is considered fine art, such as Michelangelo's David, vintage pin-up art, Renaissance-style paintings and nude cherubs.
•    Descriptions of items containing nudity can't contain explicit or overtly sexual content.
•    Nude art advertised in the Art categories on must include the item specifics attribute Subject: Nudes. 
Not allowed 'Adult' or 'sexually-orientated' material that is not permitted includes, but is not limited to:
•    Any visual representation of human genitals presented in such a manner as to suggest sexual activity
•    Any visual representation of any form of sexual intercourse
•    Any materials clearly designed to sexually arouse the viewer/reader
•    Any items which depict human sexual characteristics in a degrading fashion
•    Any item that portrays frontal nudity will normally be treated as 'adult' material, with limited exceptions as set out in the Restricted sections
•    Any photo-montage nude image of a celebrity
•    Any items depicting bestiality, rape sex, incest, sadism, masochism or sex with graphic violence and degradation magazines and books
Restricted • Playboy, Playgirl, Mayfair and Penthouse magazines may be advertised for if the advertising doesn't contain any images of nudity or sexually explicit content.
•    Romance novels are permitted but the description may not contain explicit content.
•    Books on sex, relationships, sexual education and self-help are generally permitted, but the advertising can't contain nude images or explicit content.
Not allowed • All other adult magazines, nudist publications or adult anime/manga that include sexually explicit content, nudity or sexual stories may not be advertised for.

Allowed    • Unrated films that originally had a BBFC rating, or unrated versions of a BBFC rated film (like director's cuts) are permitted if the content of the film isn't sexually explicit.
• Profanity that's part of the original title and description of a DVD or CD is permitted in the advertising.

Restricted • Films related to sex education, self-help, relationships and sexuality are generally permitted, but the advertising can't contain nude images or explicit content.
• Some movies that may be legal to sell to adults outside of WantAd are restricted on the site. Examples include celebrity sex tapes or films (rated up to 18) with violent sexual scenes.
Not allowed • Films and video games with a rating above X, XXX, R18 or created for an adult audience may not be advertised for.
• Films described as 'strictly for 18+' or 'over 18s only' are generally not permitted, unless it is a mainstream film such as 'Striptease'.
• Unrated films containing explicit sexual content
• Adult only video games

Not allowed.

Child pornography is illegal and not allowed on WantAd. WantAd may use broad discretion when removing adverts that depict minors, even if the content is not sexual in nature.
•    Images of minors that are not fully clothed or the item is described based on their clothing.
•    Underage modelling photos are generally not permitted even if the subject is fully clothed.
•    Items using the words 'child', 'children', 'young girls' or 'young boys' to describe an item containing nudity or sexual situations is not allowed. Items with those words or phrases can't be advertised for even if the performers are 18 years or older or the words are part of the product title.
•    Items described as 'teen', 'teens', 'teenager' or 'Lolita' if they are used in a sexual context and there's no indication that the performer is 18 years or older.

Other adult items:
Restricted • Vibrators and massagers intended for sexual pleasure may not be advertised. Other massagers can be advertised, but if an advert indicates the item is for sexual use it can be removed.
Not allowed 

 Anything designed for use in sexual or adult activities may not be advertised  for on WantAd. At our discretion we may remove items including, but not limited to:
•    Adult-orientated domain names
•    Anatomically-accurate sex dolls
•    Nude playing cards or trading cards
•    Sex toys

Items that can't be advertised at all:
Not allowed • Obscene materials, while not easy to define, aren't allowed to be advertised for on WantAd. For some guidance, at our discretion we prohibit items depicting or describing bestiality, necrophilia, rape, scat and incest (real or fictionalised).
•    Services that include any sexual/adult activity. This includes the suggestion of any form of prostitution, escort service, sexual relationship or other adult-only activity, including 'virtual' boyfriends or girlfriends.
•    Links to sites that contain adult items are prohibited on WantAd.

Additional information
Is profanity allowed on WantAd?
Most profanity is prohibited. But we do allow media titles and descriptions (film titles, CD names or track advertises, for example) containing profanity as long as the original production company title or description also contains the profanity.