For a safer advertising and buying experience on WantAd, we don't allow linking to items that encourage, promote, facilitate, or instruct others to engage in illegal activity.

We also don't allow advertisers to ask sellers to break any laws. For example, advertisers can't ask sellers to falsify customs declarations or have an item marked as "gift" in order to avoid customs fees.

Here are some examples of information, items, and activities that aren't allowed on WantAd:

•    Instructions on how to use or inject steroids (eBook, website, etc)
•    Lockpicking DVDs or DVDs that provide information on how to pick locks
•    A link to a website that provides information on how to hijack an aeroplane
•    An eBook describing how to create methamphetamine
•    Products designed to fake the results of a urine or drug test
•    Reflective spray paint or license plate covers or diffusers
•    Software or services which can unlock blocked/barred mobile telephone SIM cards or enable access to restricted areas, confidential information or other encoded data.
•    Kill switch activated electronic devices, including smartphones and tablets.
•    Services to bypass or override kill switches
•    Other items similar to those listed here

Examples of activities
•    Falsifying customs declarations or having an item marked as "gift" in order to avoid customs fees
•    Winning an item and requesting that the seller falsify the customs or taxation documents related to the item

Note: We may also remove advertisings as requested by law enforcement agencies.

If you find an advertisement that encourages illegal activity, we encourage you to report it.

If you sold an item and the advertiser asks you to commit customs fraud, you can report it. 

Since encouraging illegal activity may be prohibited by law, we urge you to follow all laws and regulations. You're not allowed to use WantAd to encourage other members to engage in illegal activity.