Replicas, Counterfeit Items, and Unauthorised Copies Policy

Items that bear a company's official brand name or logo can be advertised for as long as the products were made or officially endorsed by that company

WantAd users cannot advertise for counterfeit items, fakes, replicas, or unauthorised copies. unauthorised copies include things that are backed-up, bootlegged, duplicated, or pirated, which are all illegal. These kinds of things may infringe on someone's copyright or

Be sure to report ads for counterfeit items or replicas. We also encourage you to report ads for unauthorised copies. 
Here are some examples of items that can and can't be listed on WantAd (note that this isn't an exhaustive list):
•    Homemade movies the seller owns the rights to
•    Music the seller wrote, recorded, and owns the rights to
•    Photos the seller created and owns the rights to or have been authorised to sell online
Not allowed:
Backup or archival copies of software
Bootleg recordings from concerts or other live shows (see our bootleg recordings policy for more info)
Counterfeits, fakes, or replicas of brand name items like:
•    Handbags (for example, a purse bearing the Chanel® name or logo that wasn't made by Chanel)
•    Scarves
•    Sunglasses
•    Wallets
•    Watches
•    Other accessories

Counterfeit electronics (like cell phones) or software

Counterfeit replacement parts or consumables that weren't made by the manufacturer that the items are labelled with. For example, a
battery labelled as a Nokia® cell phone battery that wasn't made by Nokia

Fake autographs

Digital media including but not limited to CDs, DVDs, VCDS, CD-ROMs, Blu-Ray and/or Flash Drives that contains multiple images of
celebrities or models

Media (such as CDs, DVDs, flash drive or any other recordable media) containing scanned pages from a book, magazine, manual, or other copyrighted materials that the seller didn't officially create, unauthorised or pirated copies of things like:
•    Movies or videos
•    Audio books and e-books
•    Music CDs or MP3s
•    Photos
•    Software
•    TV programs (including CDs or DVDs containing shows that were taped from television)
•    Video games

It is illegal to sell bootlegs, counterfeits, fakes, replicas, or unauthorised or pirated copies of any product. In order to comply with
the law, we don't allow these items to be advertised for on WantAd. This policy also helps protect buyers from getting counterfeit or
unauthorised goods, and helps protect rights holders from copyright or trademark infringement