Tobacco and Smoking Accessories Policy     
Tobacco products, including collectables that contain tobacco, cannot be advertised for on WantAd, because of strict government

Smoking accessories that are traditionally intended for smoking tobacco products are allowed.

If you are advertising for an item that is allowed, the seller can only offer domestic postage. They are not allowed to post these items
outside the United Kingdom and Ireland.

Smoking accessories
Allowed in some situations:
You can advertise for the following if not intended for use with marijuana or illegal drugs:
•    Pipes
•    Water pipes and hookahs
Not allowed:
You cannot advertise for:
•    Pipes and water pipes for use with marijuana or illegal drugs

Tobacco, shishas and tobacco-related items
    You can advertise for:
•    Nicotine patches or gums
•    Promotional items with tobacco brand logos, such as calendars, hats, and shirts
•    Memorabilia, posters, or similar items (including vintage) for tobacco products
•    Tobacco seeds
•    Vintage ads for tobacco products
•    Collectable packaging that's completely empty (no tobacco inside)
Allowed in some situations:
You can advertise for the following if it doesn't include tobacco:
•    Hookah and Shisha molasses
•    Shishas flavour
•    Cigar bands and packaging

E-cigarettes, e-shishas and related accessories such as atomisers, liquids (with and without nicotine) and flavours are allowed to be
advertised for if the permitted seller has an effective age verification process that satisfies due diligence as described in the Business
Companion guide for online age verification checks. In addition, permitted sellers must include the following text in their item
•    "I  have an effective age verification process that satisfies due diligence as described in the Business Companion guide for
online age verification checks and I will not sell to persons that are under 18 years old".
Not allowed:
You cannot advertise for:
•    Any item containing tobacco including, but not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, and loose tobacco
•    Blunts or cigar wraps
•    Herbal cigarettes or herbal tobacco (sometimes called nicotine-free cigarettes or tobacco-free cigarettes)
•    Nicotine inhalers or nasal sprays (see our medical drugs and devices policy)
•    Domain names or web addresses for websites that sell tobacco
•    E cigarettes, e-shishas and related accessories from a non-permitted seller

You cannot:
•    Include photos of cigarettes, cigars, and other tobacco items when advertising for cigar bands, collectable packaging, or other